FAQ - Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oil

Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oils dropper upright

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) When and where should I apply the Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oil?

A1) To allow the sleeping oil's essence to absorb into the body fully and effectively, it is recommended to apply to easy-to-access pulse points like the wrists, neck, inner elbows or behind the ears. We suggest applying 0.3-0.5ml to one area. For stronger effects, you can apply to multiple areas as preferred. The oil will fully absorb within 15 minutes of application, so applying right before bed ensures you experience the effects as you sleep.

Q2) Will the Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oil caused drowsiness?

A2) While the Sleeping Oil relaxes both the body and mind, it will not induce drowsiness or sleepiness.

Q3) How long until users see effects? Will it cause dependency?

A3) Most users notice improved skin condition after the first night of use. Continuous use for a minimum of 2 weeks activates an anti-aging defense cycle, delivering optimal results sustainably without causing dependency.

Q4) Are there any dietary or lifestyle restrictions when using the Miracle Sleeping Oil?

A4) There are no diet or lifestyle restrictions when using the Sleeping Oil. However, to help achieve optimal results, it is advisable to couple its use with a healthy sleeping routine (e.g. maintaining consistent sleep times, ensuring 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and ensuring a comfortable sleeping environment) and good diet habits (e.g. avoiding stimulants like caffeine after noon, overeating and oily foods at night, drinking too many fluids before bed, and opting for sleep-aiding foods like bananas and milk).

Q5) Can Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oil cause allergies? What conditions should avoid use?

A5) The Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oil is made with all-natural ingredients and its formula is designed to prevent allergic reactions. However, in the very rare case of an allergic reaction occurring, you should stop using the product and consult your doctor. If you are pregnant, ill, taking medication, or have a chronic disease, please consult a physician before using the product.

Q6) What are the ingredients used?

A6) Dr. Brillante Miracle Sleeping Oil is made of all-natural high-quality ingredients, including: Resveratrol, Saffron, Apple Stem Cell, Eucommia Ulmoides, Jojoba Seed Oil, Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot, Cedar, Vitis Vinifera Seed Oil, Crithmum Maritimum, Helianthus Annuus.

Q7) What if it doesn't work for me? Can I return it?

A7) We stand behind the effectiveness of our carefully formulated products. If for any reason you do not experience the anti-aging benefits after using the Miracle Sleeping Oil for 14 days, we will happily refund your purchase. You may return the product within 30 days of your purchase by applying for a refund. For more details, please refer to our return policy.

Still have other questions?

We are here to assist you. Please send your question to admin@drbrillante.com and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, you might want to explore the science behind our products, or refer to the User Instructions:

Sleep Deep, Stay Young, Start Tonight